Inner Brat
The logical solution would be to make a spreadsheet, but, you see, I like spreadsheets about as much a a cat likes taking a bath. So, of course, I took no action.
Every Imperfection
“Liar,” she taunts. She dips her fingers into a bowl of hard candy, knocking two pieces onto the counter. She stuffs one, wrapper crinkling, into her pocket for later.
Dancing to Elvis
“This is from when he broke up with Priscilla. You can tell he put everything he had into it. I think it might be the best song he ever did,” Jim said.
Fuckin' Falafel
I'm about to email a file from my laptop at home to my computer at work when I hear Jim's voice booming from the kitchen: "I can't believe you already picked up that fuckin' falafel!"