Inner Brat
The logical solution would be to make a spreadsheet, but, you see, I like spreadsheets about as much a a cat likes taking a bath. So, of course, I took no action.
Daddy, a remembrance
He never told me he loved me, but the sparkle in his eyes and the way he cared about preparing me for the future managed to convey the words he couldn't say.
My mother's poems
My mother cut her own life short and left three little girls behind. We know very little of her. These poems are precious to me.
So Beautiful — Part 2
She won’t force Coco to eat, for the babe is plump and rosy-cheeked—unlike Jason who was born premature at 28 weeks. His first two years were a rash of incisions, tubes, monitors and transfusions.
So Beautiful
She wants a magic elixir so Arturo, her true love, can return to her, so they can make love from dusk to dawn in a tent on a far off beach, no worries about what the future will bring. She wants a potion to take her back—if only for a day—so she can race full tilt down the sidewalk to catch a streetcar and know in that moment exactly how beautiful she is.
Fuckin' Falafel
I'm about to email a file from my laptop at home to my computer at work when I hear Jim's voice booming from the kitchen: "I can't believe you already picked up that fuckin' falafel!"