Absent from my own blog
I hadn't realized how long it had been since I've posted in this blog. I was scattered, lacking focus, trying to do too many things at once (how many of us are prone to that in today's face-paced, tempting world where so many intriguing things open up to us with just a few clicks at the computer?) so I've needed to regroup.
I'm still in the process of sorting out commitments, but maybe instead of being silent, I'll share the regrouping process, messy as it may be.
One thing I'm dropping is writing for examiner.com. It has a built-in audience, but it's not the right fit for me. I often figure out if something is right for me by trying it out, but when it comes to online publications or ventures, jumping in to test the waters and then out if it doesn't click for you might not be the right way to go because there's this digital start-stop trail you leave behind.
I think the thing is to pick a way to make connections online and stick with it to build momentum. Some of us are better at that than others, obviously.