A positive article I forgot all about

Back in 2015, the North Bay's primary newspaper, The Press Democrat, published an article about me by Nick Walden. It appeared in the "Sonoma Living" section and came out shortly after I won an award for Sisters Born, Sisters Found, the anthology on sisterhood I published that year.

It's a great article. I didn't realize at the time how complimentary it was. Here's a link if you'd like to learn more about me and my work: https://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/news/rohnert-park-author-shares-tales-of-sisterhood/?sba=AAS&artslide=4

I came across five yellowing hard copies of the section tucked out of sight when reorganizing some shelves today. Having forgotten all about the article, I wondered why I had saved the pages and almost discarded them. I tend to do that—forget about the positive things I've done and remember instead all I haven't accomplished.

Do you do that, too? It's such a difficult habit to break. Honoring ourselves is, for many of us, a lifelong project, one that requires a renewed commitment each time we stumble and think we are less capable and glorious than we really are.

So if you've been down on yourself for any reason today, think about ways people have appreciated you. Remember what they have said. Focus on that, 'K?


The Kiminee Dream, a 2021 awards finalist


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